Tuesday 24 June 2014

Holiday Beauty Must Haves!

Hey lovelies! This morning as I try to start thinking about what I need to pack for holiday, and getting lost in endless amounts of bottles and products, I thought long and hard about the things I would actually use, rather than trying to cram everything in to my luggage allowance! Here I have complied a list of everything non-essential (essential being make-up, shampoo etc) that I will be taking with me on holiday.

1) Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance Leave-In Conditioner
This product is literally amazing. Now I've had it, I can't live without it. Firstly, it smells absolutely perfect, just like all Aussie products do, and secondly it protects your hair really well. It's great for holidays when you're spending long days at the beach to keep your hair protected, but it also acts as a great texturiser for when you get out of the sea with damp hair. It contains Jojoba Seed Oil which helps to naturally condition your hair and prevent it from drying out with all the salty water!

Keeping with hair products, this is a new find for me. It works the same as most texturisers do, and I've got it in this handy mini size so it will take up less room. I find that my hair needs a bit of added texture when washing especially on holiday because the hardness of water from different countries seems to make my hair really soft and hard to work with. It also has a nice salon smell!

Body sprays and mists are perfect for holidays, they're cheap and cheerful, you can carry them around in your beach bag without fear in case they get lost, and most of them nowadays are actually pretty decent and last a long time. I always get compliments when I wear this coconut scent and it will be perfect for holiday! 

It's really important to keep your lips protected when you're on holiday, which admittedly is something I normally forget to do! This lipbalm contains oils which help keep the moisture in your lips, something you definitely need if you're going to be soaking up the sun!

To be honest this probably is an essential item for holiday, but I thought I would include it anyway because I think it will be specifically good for when you've just got out of the pool. I find that my hair is especially knotty then because of all the chlorine, and normal brushes just tug at my hair and it really hurts. But this is specifically designed to tease through the knots without pulling and therefore it's a much easier experience!

Now, I am someone who hates going without makeup. I am fed up of being by the pool with my normal mascara, wanting to go for a dip and coming out looking like a panda. This year I have invested in a proper waterproof mascara that I know is going to work. These mascaras are wax based, meaning the water will glide over it rather than sticking to it like normal mascaras. Best of both worlds!

Normally on holiday I just take make-up wipes because they are easy and convenient, and who can be bothered with a whole cleansing routine whist you're on holiday; am I right?! However because I am taking waterproof mascara I wanted to take a proper remover that I know is going to get the mascara off, because it's just a little impossible otherwise! This No7 one is really nice, it's one of those oil based ones you have to shake up before using, it gets make-up off with just a couple of swipes so it's still going to be fast and easy.

So that's it for all my little holiday extras! Are you going on holiday this year? What will you be taking?

Lauren x

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